Fruit Storage Method Taught by President Kim Il Sung

One day in August Juche 52 (1963), President Kim Il Sung visited a farm in Pukchong County, South Hamgyong Province.

Seeing with pleasure the neat terraced orchard, he asked officials how many tons of apples were produced per hectare last year.

After hearing from the officials that tens of tons of fruit were produced, he, with a broad smile on his face, said that if fruits are picked in the orchard as much as last year, it would be difficult to handle them in time.

When an official told him about the fact that the farm built several fruit storehouses, he asked which was better between the underground storehouses and semi-underground storehouses.

As if reading the mind of the official who was hesitating to answer, the President said it is good to build the fruit storehouse in a semi-underground way, explaining in detail the advantages of the semi-underground fruit storehouse.

He stressed the need to keep fruit well so as to ensure that fresh fruit is supplied to the people not only in autumn but also in winter and next spring.

Officials renewed their determination to exert more efforts to store fruit well as instructed by the President and supply fresh fruit to the people. -0- (Juche113.8.13.)