Korean Women Lead Happy Life

Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The Korean women are significantly greeting the 113th March 8 International Women's Day.

On this anniversary, the Korean women are recollecting with deep emotion the days when they have led a dignified and worthwhile life under the care of the peerlessly great persons.

After national liberation, President Kim Il Sung, who had a deep insight into the position and role of women in the development of the Korean revolution, formed the Democratic Women's Union of Korea and personally entitled a magazine for women when it came out.

Under his wise guidance the Law on Sex Equality was promulgated in July Juche 35 (1946) to allow the women to make contributions to the revolution and construction and social development with the same rights as men. Under his care the women grow to be full-fledged masters and women revolutionaries pushing one of the two wheels of the revolutionary chariot.

Under the care of the President who gave high state commendations to the ordinary women on this land, considerate of their feats and achievements, the Korean women recorded the grim annals of revolution with world-startling miracles, innovations and creation.

Chairman Kim Jong Il published "Women Are a Powerful Force for Pushing Ahead with the Revolution and Construction" and other famous works to clearly indicate the road ahead of the Korean women's movement.

A large contingent of women revolutionaries was trained under the profound loving care and trust of Kim Jong Il, who took warm care of the women after entrusting them with the important duties of the Party, state and economic organs and various fields and units including science, education and public health organs.

Today the life of the women is shedding more brilliant rays under the care of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who is carrying forward the noble intention of the great leaders.

He set forth important guidelines to be held fast to by the women in the new century of Juche and has led them to live and work as patriotic women devoting themselves to building a powerful socialist country.

The warm loving care of Kim Jong Un, who treasures the women, is associated with the grand concerts held to mark International Women's Day and the modern and general medical centers and production bases built for the good of the women and the stories of love for them seen throughout the country.

Now the Korean women are determined to devote their wisdom and enthusiasm to achieving the prosperity of the country, always bearing in mind his love and trust. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche112.3.8.)