Press Review

Pyongyang, April 27 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Thursday:

- Officials of the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, the Ministry of IT Industry and the State Hydro-meteorological Administration had a press interview as regards the building of space industry which is prerequisite to the state development and the improvement of people's living standard.

- Successes are being made in various sectors of the national economy.

- Bus service has started in Hwasong street.

- Football matches for the 2023 Spring National Sports Festival came to an end.

- The world-wide damage caused by COVID-19 remains unabated.


Rodong Sinmun

- An editorial calls upon the ri Party committees to fully play their role in implementing the rural revolution programme in the new era.

- A meeting took place to mark the 40th founding anniversary of the Sunchon Thermal Power Plant.

- The 2023 Inter-Provincial Mass Sports Contest is going on.

- Events took place in different countries to celebrate the Day of the Sun.

- An article says that there can be no freedom and democracy in capitalist society which violates the independent rights of the working masses and imposes inequality and poverty.


Minju Joson

- A political essay says that the embrace of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is the whole of our life and the cradle of socialism.

- An editorial calls for bringing about fresh innovations and development by dint of science and technology. -0- (Juche112.4.27.)