Fatherland Liberation War Was Confrontation between Progressive and Reactionary Forces: Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The proud victory won by the Korean people in the hard-fought war for defending the country in the 1950s was a heroic one which demonstrated the dignity and might of the DPRK to the whole world and a noteworthy event which greatly contributed to strengthening the democratic forces worldwide, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in an article.

The profound significance of July 27 in the prosperity and development of the DPRK and the accomplishment of the human cause of independence is further highlighted along with the advance of history, the article notes, and goes on:

The Fatherland Liberation War was the death-defying struggle for defending the sovereignty of the country and the people from the U.S. imperialists' aggression. It was also the first fierce confrontation between the democratic camp and the imperialist camp.

The Korean War was, in fact, an "expedition of anti-Communist crusaders" of the U.S.-led world imperialist allied forces. The Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean people against it was an anti-imperialist national liberation struggle to defend national sovereignty, and at the same time, assumed international nature as it was a confrontation for safeguarding the world democratic force.

With ardent love for their own things and intense hatred toward the enemy, the Korean people courageously turned out in the sacred war against the armed invaders. The peace-loving people of the world extended full support and encouragement to the Korean people in their struggle.

After repeated ignominious defeats in the three-year war, the U.S.-led imperialist reactionaries were compelled to kneel down before the Korean people and sign a surrender document.

Thanks to the great victory of our people in the Korean War, world peace was firmly defended and the might of the democratic camp further strengthened.

The oppressed peoples of the world hardened their confidence and courage that they can defeat any imperialism if they bravely fight relying on their own strength.

The article stresses that the historic victory won by the Korean people in the Fatherland Liberation War clearly proved the truth of history that the might of the people regarding the validity of their cause as their faith and cherishing the trust and love for their own things is incomparably strong and that nothing can defeat it. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.7.5.)