Press Statement by Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, released the following press statement on Sunday:

As regards a measure taken by the DPRK of physically breaking the roads and railways in the section of its side connected to the ROK completely, UN Secretary-General Guterres on Oct. 15 made seriously improper remarks, emphasizing the importance of restraint, and demanding the restoration of all relevant communication channels as soon as possible.

He successfully played the role of a spokesman for the U.S., repeating like an automatic responder such stereotyped remarks as "abidance by the UNSC resolutions" and "complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula" which have nothing to do with the above-said issue.

I express deep displeasure over and categorically reject the remarks of interfering in the internal affairs of the DPRK unhesitatingly let loose by the UN secretary-general, the supreme official of the UN whose life and soul are objectivity and impartiality, contrary to the UN Charter's principle of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs.

Whether we dismantle roads and railway facilities or newly build them in the territory where the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised, it pertains to the DPRK's sovereign right from A to Z and it is not a matter to be meddled in by the UN secretary-general.

To be rightful, he should have condemned the ROK military for encroaching upon the sovereignty of the DPRK by infiltrating drones, military attack means, into even the sky above its capital city a few days ago.

He is taking issue with the self-defensive measure taken by the DPRK army in its territory, not making even a word about the ROK's wanton infringement upon the DPRK's sovereignty. This is an unpardonable and unfair behavior of double-standards.

The UN secretary-general made the prejudiced remarks, instead of standing at a strictly neutral position in the present situation on the Korean peninsula where the possibility of armed conflict is becoming a reality. It is little short of giving a green light to the U.S. and the ROK army's attempt to ignite a war against the DPRK.

In case an incident which nobody wants occurs on the Korean peninsula due to the reckless military temerity of the ROK with the back of the U.S., the UN secretary-general will never be free from responsibility for it as he incited the warmongers' fever with an undisguised behavior of availing himself of and following them. -0- (Juche113.10.20.)