Papers Call for Performing Miracles of Turning Adversity into Favorable Situation in Rehabilitation Work

Pyongyang, August 2 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK on Friday call upon the whole country to perform miracles of turning adversity into favorable situation in the rehabilitation at the flood-stricken areas in hearty response to the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Let us work miracles of turning adversity into favorable conditions and thus powerfully demonstrate once again the staunch practical ability of the Workers' Party of Korea overcoming difficulties and ushering in a bright future-this is a steadfast faith and will of all the Party members who have turned out in response to the call of the Party Central Committee, Rodong Sinmun says in an editorial, and goes on:

As there are millions of Party members who find themselves ahead of others at the posts the Party wants and carry out anything without fail when the Party is determined, our Party has made without any hesitation important decisions that others can hardly imagine and dynamically promoted the steady development of the country even in severe ordeals unprecedented in history.

When the Party members open a new road of advance and set new standards and records in their worksites, they will serve as a powerful political work to make the rehabilitation campaign areas seethe with their spirit and proud entities embodying the people-first politics pursued by our Party be built in succession.

At a decisive and responsible time when we should create another important turning point of victory to be specially recorded in history of our Party and revolution, the importance of position and role of the Party members is further highlighted.

All the Party members should go all out for the rehabilitation campaign with the extraordinary sense of mission and responsibility and thus fully demonstrate once again before the world how firm their Party spirit, revolutionary spirit and popular spirit are.

Minju Joson says in an article that the struggle of the Korean people to devotedly implement the Party's decision and instructions, united close around the Party with one mind and purpose, will bring about another proud victory in the drive for recovering from flood damage. -0- (Juche113.8.2.)