Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's Noble Outlook on People

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un visited the Rangnang Sanitary Goods Factory one day in July Juche 104 (2015).

He went round all production processes of the factory for a long time and highly appreciated the quality of its products.

Before leaving the factory, he looked around its surroundings under heavy rainfall.

Saying that the packing room at the factory is too small to realize automation, he asked its official about a way for widening the room.

The General Secretary told the hesitating official that since the factory produces goods urgently needed for people's living, it is necessary to broaden the packing room with lot of an important unit beside the factory.

Later, looking at the expanded factory, officials came to feel again the noble view on the people of the General Secretary who spares nothing for them. -0- (Juche113.5.7.)