Paying Deep Attention to Work for Rising Generations

One day in October Juche 42 (1953), President Kim Il Sung visited Kangwon Province.

He went to a primary school under construction at the final stage first, although he had many objects to guide when the postwar reconstruction was in full swing.

He warmly shook hands with officials, parents and teachers who came to greet him, and highly praised them for building the school neatly in a pine grove, saying it was admirable to build the school before any thing else.

That day he encouraged officials to finish the school construction as soon as possible and took a measure to carry the news of it in newspapers, saying with great pleasure that pupils would like very much to see the erection of the school.

As seen above, the President had always paid deep attention to the work for the younger generation. -0- (Juche112.10.24.)