Kim Jong Un Meets Xi Jinping Again

Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited Dalian City of China from May 7 to 8 to meet again Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and president of the People's Republic of China.

The meaningful meeting and talks between the supreme leaders of the two countries took place in Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China.

Kim Jong Un left Pyongyang by plane for his personal use on the morning of May 7.

He was accompanied by Ri Su Yong and Kim Yong Chol, members of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK and vice-chairmen of the C.C., WPK, Ri Yong Ho, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK and foreign minister, Kim Yo Jong, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK and first vice department director of the C.C., WPK, Choe Son Hui, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs; and members of the C.C., WPK and the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK.

Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the C.C., CPC and member of the Secretariat of the C.C., CPC, Wang Yi, state councilor and foreign minister, Song Tao, head of the International Liaison Department of the C.C., CPC, Chen Qiufa, secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPC, and Tan Zuojun, secretary of the Dalian City Committee of the CPC, were present at Dalian International Airport to greet him.

At noon of local time the plane landed at the airport.

Kim Jong Un alighted from the plane to shake hands with pleasure with those officials and exchanged kind greetings.

A woman presented a bunch of flowers to him and offered him greetings.

He expressed thanks and got on his car to head for Bangchuidao Guesthouse.

When he arrived at the guesthouse, its employees warmly greeted him.

There took place a meeting and talks between Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping in the afternoon.

Xi Jinping came to Dalian and kindly greeted Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un had a warm and emotional meeting with Xi Jinping and had a souvenir photo taken with him.

The top leaders of the two countries exchanged warm salute, pleased to meet again after the lapse of over one month.

Then there took place talks between Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping.

Present at the talks from the DPRK side were Ri Su Yong and Kim Yong Chol, members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and vice-chairmen of the C.C., WPK, and Ri Yong Ho, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK and foreign minister.

Present from the Chinese side were Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and member of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat, Ding Xuexiang, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., CPC, member of the Secretariat of the C.C., CPC and director of the General Office of the C.C., CPC, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., CPC and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the C.C., CPC, Wang Yi, state councilor and foreign minister, and Song Tao, head of the International Liaison Department of the C.C., CPC.

At the talks the two sides informed each other of the assessment and views on the recent trend and the development of the situation on the Korean peninsula on which global highlights are focused, and of the political and economic conditions of each country and stressed the need to more wonderfully promote the DPRK-China friendly and cooperative relations. And they had an in-depth exchange of views on the way to tackle the crucial issues of mutual concern.

Kim Jong Un expressed his thanks to Xi Jinping for sparing time to come to Dalian and warmly greet him and providing the best convenience with utmost sincerity despite his tight political schedule.

He said he was very pleased that the DPRK-China relations have recently greeted a fresh heyday and are undergoing further development.

He, in particular, highly appreciated that the close high-level visits between the two parties and the two countries and the strategic communication between the supreme leaderships of the DPRK and China are underway on an unprecedented level.

In those days the DPRK and China have become all the more close and inseparable in their inner feelings, he said, hoping to expand the friendly visits between the two countries and keep the close contacts in a flexible and diverse manner in the future, too.

He analyzed and estimated the development of the situation around the Korean peninsula undergoing profound changes and mentioned the ways to more actively and closely boost the tactical cooperation between the DPRK and China by using the strategic opportunity.

He expressed gratitude to the Chinese comrades, saying that their firm support and encouragement and comradely cooperation greatly encourage the party and people of the DPRK.

Xi Jinping said that Kim Jong Un's visit showed the sincere willingness to set much store by the relations between the two parties and the two countries, trust him and the Chinese party and put into practice the consensus reached between them, and spoke highly of it.

Expressing his pleasure over the positive developments being made in the China-DPRK relations and in the situation of the Korean peninsula after Kim Jong Un's first visit to China in March last, he expressed thanks once again to Kim Jong Un for personally visiting China again to promote and coordinate the mutual understanding of the two parties and the two countries.

Saying that the two countries of China and the DPRK are the community of the same destiny and their relations are the invariable ones of lips and teeth, he said that it is the firm stand and the only correct option for the two parties and governments to consolidate and develop the China-DPRK relations no matter how frequently the situation changes.

Hailing the new strategic line set forth by the Workers' Party of Korea on channeling all efforts on the socialist economic construction at the Third Plenary Meeting of the 7th WPK Central Committee, he expressed the conviction that the cause of socialist construction in the DPRK would surely emerge victorious under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

He highly appreciated the crucial decision and measures recently taken by Kim Jong Un and reiterated full support for them, saying that China, as a friendly neighbor, is making consistent efforts for regional peace and stability, paying deep attention to the development and change in the situation of the Korean peninsula.

The talks proceeded in a frank, trusty and friendly atmosphere.

Xi Jinping hosted a grand banquet in welcome of

Kim Jong Un's visit to China.

Present there on invitation were Ri Su Yong and Kim Yong Chol, members of the Political Bureau and vice-chairmen of the WPK Central Committee, Ri Yong Ho, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and foreign minister, Kim Yo Jong, alternate member of the Political Bureau and first vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, and other senior officials and suite members.

Present were Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and member of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat, Ding Xuexiang, member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, member of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat and director of the CPC Central Committee General Office, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the C.C., CPC and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the C.C., CPC, Wang Yi, state councilor and foreign minister, Song Tao, head of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, and other senior officials of the Chinese party and government.

When Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping entered the banquet hall, all the participants enthusiastically welcomed them, extending the highest tribute to the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries opening up a new phase of the great DPRK-China friendship.

Xi Jinping made a congratulatory speech first.

He warmly welcomed Kim Jong Un who visited China again in a beautiful time enlivened with fresh and stirring spirit on behalf of the Chinese party, government and people and on his own behalf.

The visit paid by Kim Jong Un fully showed the fact that he and the Korean Party Central Committee highly value the China-DPRK relations, the strategic communication between the two parties, in particular, and the firm will to implement the important joint agreement reached between the two sides, he said, stressing that this demonstrated once again the traditional and solid China-DPRK friendship to the whole world and will certainly have important impact on the China-DPRK relations and the situation of the Korean peninsula.

Xi Jinping said that he, together with the Korean comrades, would continue to implement well the important agreement between the two sides, strengthen the strategic communication, expand exchanges and cooperation, give full play to the tradition of friendship and thus promote the fresh and greater development of the China-DPRK relations, provide happiness to the two countries and the two peoples and make active contributions to the regional peace, stability and prosperity.

He continued to say that he is convinced that the Korean party and people would steadily achieve fresh and greater successes in the great course of socialist construction under the wise guidance of Chairman Kim Jong Un, and wishes for it.

Kim Jong Un made a reply speech.

Expressing great pleasure over the fact that he again had a significant meeting with Xi Jinping and the friendly Chinese comrades in a little more than 40 days and exchanged their inmost feelings, he expressed his most heartfelt thanks to the warm and cordial hospitality and warm-hearted concern shown by the Chinese Party Central Committee.

Dalian is where President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il left their historic footprints that would remain forever in the annals of the DPRK-China friendship, he said, adding that the deep comradely confidence and obligation between the leaders of the two countries have been invariably carried forward century after century and generation after generation as the roots of bloody bonds that have linked the peoples of the two countries by the inseparable destiny.

Noting that he feels again the pride and self-confidence of having such a great neighbor as China and such dependable and true friends as Chinese comrades, he said that he would advance hand in hand with the close Chinese comrades in the long historic course of achieving peace and prosperity in the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia and building a fair and just new world in the future.

Kim Jong Un sincerely hoped that the Chinese people would certainly bring into a brilliant reality the dream of China unfolded by Xi Jinping and thus fully demonstrate the might and stamina of the Chinese nation all over the world.

Amicable atmosphere pervaded the banquet hall where officials of the two countries shared with each other warm and sincere feelings and the pleasure of meeting just like the same family members, beyond the diplomatic etiquette and ceremony.

On Tuesday morning Kim Jong Un again met with Xi Jinping and talked without reserve while strolling the seaside.

Then Kim Jong Un was invited to a luncheon hosted by Xi Jinping at Tingtao House of Bangchuidao Guesthouse.

Before the luncheon Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping appreciated the skills showing the tea culture and had an important talk.

The luncheon helped further deepen the particular comradely intimacy between the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries.

After the luncheon, Kim Jong Un expressed once again the gratitude to Xi Jinping for according particular hospitality with utmost sincerity during his stay in China and for expressing sincere and valuable opinions on the crucial work, and shook hands with him before parting.

Some suite members visited Dalian Donggang Downtown and Hualu Group of China that day.

Kim Jong Un wound up his schedule on Tuesday afternoon and left Dalian by his plane.

He was seen off at Dalian International Airport by Wang Huning, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau and member of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat, Song Tao, head of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Chen Qiufa, secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPC, and Tan Zuojun, secretary of the Dalian City Committee of the CPC.

Kim Jong Un sent a letter of thanks to Xi Jinping on his way home. -0- (Juche107.5.8.)