People's Happy Laughter Is Symbol and Might of Socialism: Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun says in a co-signed article on Thursday that the people's happy laughter is growing higher in the country which has entered a phase of comprehensive development.

Noting that the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un advanced the great idea that the happy laughter of our people and rising generations represents the symbol of socialist system and the mightiness of Korean-style socialism, the articles goes on to say:

His original idea on the symbol and mightiness of socialism is a great idea and theory as it gave a perfect exposition of the validity and invincibility of the revolutionary cause of Juche and started a new history of building a power.

This idea is the comprehensive inheritance and brilliant development of the theory on the socialist revolution, founded by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, and their immortal leadership exploits.

To make the whole country resound with the happy laughter of people is the great cause of building a great state that can be set and successfully realized only by the General Secretary.

To him, the people are the most sacred and almighty being and everything of the world. It is his steadfast view that the people represent the state and revolution and the Party, socialism, great military strength and developed economic power are necessary only for the promotion of people's wellbeing.

The General Secretary ushered in a new era of prosperity for our people's eternal wellbeing by guiding the grand campaign for great creation and construction in the van amid the tense struggle for pushing forward the great cause of bolstering up the national power despite of the touch-and-go danger of war and extreme difficulties.

It is no longer a prediction that the DPRK will emerge at the peak of the times even in the aspect of people's living in the near future, thanks to the peerlessly great man's great idea on state-building and leadership and to the daily-growing development speed.

All the Party members, working people and service personnel will move up the beautiful future of our state by upholding his idea and leadership single-mindedly. -0- (Juche113.5.30.)