Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Base of Special Operation Units of KPA in Western Area

Pyongyang, October 4 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the training base of the special operation units of the Korean People's Army (KPA) in the western area on October 2 to learn about the drills of combatants.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was accompanied by Ri Yong Gil, chief of the KPA General Staff, Kim Yong Bok, deputy chief of the KPA General Staff, and Ri Chang Ho, deputy chief of the General Staff and director of the General Reconnaissance Bureau of the KPA.

He was greeted by commanding officers of the special operation units at the training base.

At the training base, combatants of several special operation brigades are undergoing intensive training according to the combat and political training programme.

That day there took place various drills of the combatants of special operation units at the base.

The drills were aimed at judging the combat readiness of the unit combatants and perfectly preparing them mentally, physically, tactically and technically so that they can reliably and successfully carry out their special operation tasks under any combat situation.

The core leading units, which have grown up to be the pivotal force of the armed forces of the DPRK absolutely and firmly defending the sovereignty of the DPRK and the happiness of its people, fully demonstrated through the training that day their might and mettle as the most elite combat units both in name and in reality, displaying the firm will and high spirit to attain their combat goals by occupying the enemy’s headquarters at a stroke once the mission is given in contingency.

Watching with satisfaction the combatants perfectly versed in different combat situations, Kim Jong Un highly praised all of the combatants for having firmly prepared themselves politically, ideologically, militarily, technically and physically, bearing in mind the honorable mission of defending the country and its people.

Watching the drills pulsating with the fighting spirit and heroic stamina of winning only victory in combat and annihilating the enemy without fail, he said that the DPRK gets stronger thanks to such brave and proud soldiers who have grown up to be a-match-for-a-hundred and all-powerful fighters capable of fighting any type of war anytime with confidence and warmly encouraged their patriotic enthusiasm and militant bravery.

He stressed once again that the special operation forces of the KPA are now becoming the pivotal and core force in the DPRK's war deterrence and capability for fighting a war.

Underlining the need to making a stride forward more clearly in the development of the armed forces of the DPRK by steadily expanding and strengthening the special operation forces into the strongest combat forces, he set forth new policies related to the orientation of the building of the special operation forces.

He said that as he mentioned last time, it is necessary to firmly hold fast to and apply the revolution in training, ideology and equipment in the building of the special operation forces and thus more perfectly prepare them so that they take their place as the main force of war and play a decisive role in winning victory in war. He stressed the need to steadily study and apply a new methodology of Korean style in training and make combatants master it and thus create the absolute standard incomparable with any army.

That day he informed the commanding officers of a ceremony held by the enemies in Seoul on Oct. 1 called the "ROK army day".

He said that the puppet Yoon Suk Yeol, who had never been rid of his anti-DPRK intent, read a written commemorative address full of his lengthy counteraction will, prompted by the delusion of persecution to our Republic, and thus showed the security uneasiness and irritating psychology of the puppet forces. Through such coarse address, he made a bluff of "resolute and overwhelming response of the ROK-U.S. alliance" and the "end of regime", clamoring about the character of the ROK-U.S. alliance based on nuclear weapons, and fully betrayed the bellicose temerity, Kim Jong Un said, adding that they acknowledged themselves that they are the forces destroying regional security and peace and that the world would not but laugh at such poor rhetoric and visible action.

He said that the puppet Yoon bragged about overwhelming counteraction of military muscle at the doorstep of the state possessed of nuclear weapons and it was a great irony that caused the suspicion of being an abnormal man.

He said that the enemies' threatening rhetoric, action, trick and attempt did not check the DPRK's powerful military strength and will not take away our nuclear weapons forever. The DPRK has irreversibly secured the absolute strength as a nuclear power and the system and function for using it while overcoming the long-standing challenges, he noted.

He affirmed that "if" the enemy, seized with extreme foolishness and recklessness, attempt to use armed forces encroaching upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, full of excessive "confidence" in the ROK-U.S. alliance in disregard of our repeated warnings, the DPRK would use without hesitation all the offensive forces it has possessed, including nuclear weapons.

Saying that to pray for a good luck of survival in a military conflict with the nuclear weapons state would be a foolish thing that should not do, he said that if such situation comes, the permanent existence of Seoul and the Republic of Korea would be impossible.

He stressed that this is a realistic prediction of the physical destructive power which the world people cannot but admit, not a rhetoric threat.

We should continue to cultivate our strength, and bear in mind again that strength in our hands is the only guarantee for keeping under control the enemy and defending ourselves, he said, adding that the KPA should firmly defend the Party, revolution, country and people by dint of its powerful military muscle, remaining more loyal to its sacred mission.

The tough and transparent stand and policies to fight the enemy clarified by Kim Jong Un doubled the commanding officers and all the service personnel with great confidence, courage and pluck.

Kim Jong Un had a photo session with the officers and men involved in the drills, encouraging their high ideological and mental world and the will to defend the country.

All the combatants of the KPA special operation units broke into cheers of hurrah, reflecting their pledge of loyalty to the great brilliant commander, who came to their training base, gave them meticulous guidance and showed deep loving care and trust for them repeatedly, and made a firm pledge to firmly prepare themselves as brave combatants capable of carrying out any militant duty most thoroughly and most perfectly at any time by continuing to strive for bolstering up the limitless capabilities for fighting war and rounding off combat preparations as desired by Kim Jong Un, bearing deep in mind the consciousness that they are the advance detachment for defending the sovereignty and interests of the state. -0- (Juche113.10.4.)