Press Review

Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Tuesday:

- Senior officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK paid a condolatory visit to the Russian embassy here.

- Successes have been made in different sectors of the national economy.

- A delegation of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation returned home.

- The 82nd candlelight rally and demonstration were held in the puppet ROK to demand the impeachment of puppet Yoon Suk Yeol.


Rodong Sinmun

- An editorial calls upon all the people to positively contribute to the development of the state and social progress with knowledge and technology.

- Preparations for the new school year are brisk across the country.

- An article says that the U.S. is the arch criminal who plunged the Middle East into a mire of war.


Minju Joson

- Articles stress the need for the city management sector to steadily improve the conditions and environment for the people's highly-civilized life. -0- (Juche113.3.26.)