Paektusan Blueberry, Specialty of DPRK

Pyongyang, February 22 (KCNA) -- Paektusan blueberry is one of the DPRK's famous specialties.

Blueberry thrives on highlands in the areas of Mt Paektu and Paekmu Plateau.

Paektusan blueberry is used not only as the raw material in the production of soft drink or confectionery but also as natural pigment.

Blueberry contains medical elements good for human body and various kinds of vitamins.

It has been used for preventing aging, relieving fatigue and improving eyesight and as the medicinal material for health recovery of women delivered of babies.

President Kim Il Sung gave instructions on turning out processed blueberry goods for the people, saying that blueberry is a specialty of Mt Paektu.

The Samjiyon Blueberry Drink Factory, built under the loving care of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who spares nothing for the people's happiness, has produced various kinds of processed blueberry products to be supplied to commercial networks. -0- (Juche112.2.22.)