Anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s Visit to Instant Rice Factory Marked

Pyongyang, April 1 (KCNA) -- A meeting took place at the Instant Rice Factory of the DPRK on Sunday to mark the 40th anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il’s field guidance to the factory.

Attending it were officials concerned and officials and employees of the factory.

Kim Hye Yong, manager of the factory, made a report.

The reporter said that the Instant Rice Factory is the fruition of the noble love for people and a precious patriotic legacy of the Chairman, who personally initiated the construction of the factory to provide our people with more civilized living conditions and clearly indicated the road to be followed by it.

She noted that on April 1, Juche 73 (1984), the Chairman visited the factory and gave precious instructions on its operation, stressing that the foodstuffs to be supplied to the people should be of the highest quality.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un took measures for strengthening the technical force of the factory and updating the production processes and has bestowed favors on the factory, the reporter said.

She called upon the officials and employees of the factory to fulfill their duty as true servants of the people in their responsible work for improving the people's living standards, mindful of the great Party Central Committee's noble idea of devoted service for the people’s wellbeing. -0- (Juche113.4.1.)