Mining Industry Makes Innovation in Production by Dint of Science and Technology

Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- The mining industrial sector of the DPRK strives to attain this year's production goal by enhancing the tractive role of science and technology.

The Unpha Mine is solving the problems arising in installing air flotation machine capable of increasing the existing capacity of dressing plant 1.3 times, in cooperation with scientists of a relevant research unit.

It has introduced scientific and efficient working methods to provide enough cutting faces and put spurs to introducing a technical innovation plan to further improve the performance of tunneling and drainage equipment.

Apatite mines are increasing the production of minerals by carrying out a technical research task in a higher level while consolidating the successes achieved in locally producing ore-dressing reagents.

Similar successes have been made in other mines.

The Munphyong Smeltery and the Taedonggang Battery Factory have made successes in the production by finding out a number of ways to raise the production efficiency to the maximum in each process. -0- (Juche113.2.23.)