Agit-prop Activities Brisk at Housing Construction Site in Hwasong Area

Pyongyang, August 17 (KCNA) -- Officials and primary information workers of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) in Pyongyang are conducting an ideological campaign in the site for building 10 000 flats at the third stage in Hwasong area.

The Central Committee of the GFTUK organized an intensive motivation and visual agitation contest among union officials and primary information workers to stir up the revolutionary enthusiasm of the builders out in the drive for implementing the Workers' Party of Korea's decisions.

The trade union committees of the Cabinet and the Ministry of Railways and other trade union organizations at all levels displayed large visual motivation aids, posters, slogans and catchwords and staged motivation performances in different parts of the housing construction site. -0- (Juche113.8.17.)