New Houses Built at Rural Village of North Hamgyong Province

Pyongyang, August 4 (KCNA) -- New modern houses have appeared at the Sangphyong Stockbreeding Farm in Kim Chaek City, North Hamgyong Province of the DPRK, under the loving care of the great Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee.

Those single- and low-storied and terraced houses for several hundred families are a fruition of the WPK's energetic guidance.

Present at the ceremony for moving into new houses were Han Yong Song, secretary of the North Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the WPK, officials and builders of the Party and power organs in the city and agricultural workers.

Pak Myong Ho, chairman of the North Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee, made a congratulatory address at the ceremony. Licenses for the use of new houses were handed over and speeches made.

Amid the cheerful peasant music and dancing party, officials visited the new houses to share joy with their owners. -0- (Juche113.8.4.)