Education in Spirit of Defending Country Intensified

Pyongyang, July 27 (KCNA) -- Youth league organizations in Kaesong Municipality of the DPRK are conducting the education in the fighting spirit displayed by the defenders of the country in the 1950s.

The municipal youth league committee organized visit to the Naesong Revolutionary Site to help the youth league members deeply grasp the fact that the victory in the last Fatherland Liberation War was achieved thanks to the gifted wisdom of President Kim Il Sung and the self-sacrificing spirit and mass heroism displayed by the brave servicepersons and civilians under his distinguished leadership.

Youth league organizations of universities and other schools in the municipality have organized meetings with war veterans to implant into the students our Party's feats for the war victory and the revolutionary spirit of the victorious wartime generation.

Wartime song-singing contest and other forms and methods of ideological education are introduced to harden the students and other youths' will to inherit the spirit displayed to defend the country and the revolutionary during the war. -0- (Juche113.7.27.)