DPRK People's Confidence in Their Leader during Fatherland Liberation War

Pyongyang, July 27 (KCNA) -- "If we believe in and follow only President Kim Il Sung, we can find a way to make a living, and if we do as instructed by him, we can defeat any formidable enemy and overcome any difficulties." This absolute confidence was proved to be science and truth by the people of the DPRK during the three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War.

The Fatherland Liberation War was a showdown between the young DPRK and the imperialist allied forces headed by the U.S. imperialists with the latest weapons and equipment and tremendous material and economic potentials in terms of strength, courage, pluck and mental power.

Kim Il Sung, an ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander, led all the people to victory in the war with his faith in sure victory and optimism.

The faith in sure victory and optimism of the iron-willed brilliant commander were the strength of the fighting DPRK and the Korean people won victory in the war by dint of the great power.

He set forth original and scientific strategic and tactical policies and war methods at each stage of the war and thus frustrated many "military offensives" schemed by reputed bourgeois militarists and strategists.

Under his loving care and trust, a plan for postwar reconstruction was drawn up, the academy of sciences and factory universities founded, students and sportspersons recalled from the front, a large fruit base established and the order of the supreme commander on forest conservation issued. Such events were witnessed one after another in the flames of the war.

During the war, many heroes, including those who thrust themselves into gun muzzles to open up a road of charge for their units, were produced and many patriotic peasants reaped more grain than before the war despite unabated enemy bombardments.

Ordinary people and even youngsters displayed matchless heroism in defending their home towns and villages.

Indeed, the brilliant victory in the Fatherland Liberation War was not only the one of the President's rare military wisdom and outstanding commanding art but also the great one of the peerlessly great man's faith in sure victory, pluck and optimism. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.7.27.)