Building of Self-Supporting National Economy in DPRK

Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- The Korean people recollect with deep emotion the undying feats President Kim Il Sung performed in building the self-supporting national economy remaining unfazed by any storm and stress with the approach of the 30th anniversary of his demise.

After the liberation of the country on August 15, 1945, the President firmly maintained the Juche-oriented stand under the difficult conditions of building a new country without any experience of economic construction and assets.

Before calling at his old home which he always missed during the anti-Japanese war, he went to the workers of the Kangson Steel Plant. He set a site for the munitions factory for self-defence of the country before doing anything else.

Thanks to his devoted efforts for nation-building, factories and the self-supporting economy were built on this land.

In the post-war period, when everything achieved in the course of building a new country was ruthlessly destroyed by the three-year war ignited by the U.S. imperialists and only ruins were left, the President put forward the unique line of economic construction of our own style on giving priority to the development of heavy industry while simultaneously developing light industry and agriculture.

He aroused all the people to the struggle for building the self-supporting national economy under the banner of self-reliance. He saw to it that machine factories were built across the country to build a powerful heavy industry with the machine-building industry as its core, and wisely led the production of trucks, tractors, excavators and other machines.

He made sure that coal production was increased, hydroelectric power stations and thermal power stations built simultaneously, and made efforts to build domestic raw materials, fuel and power bases, and develop railway transport, including the project for electrification of railways, pushed ahead with.

It is a brilliant fruition of the outstanding leadership of the President that the Korean people could complete socialist industrialization and lay the foundation of the self-supporting economy in a short period of 14 years from scratch, heaps of ruins left by the war. -0- (Juche113.7.6.)