Press Review

Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Saturday:

- On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung,

Floral baskets were sent to the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill by an international organization, a Russian organization and the family of Chinese related to the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

Articles praise the noble revolutionary life and immortal feats of the President.

There took place a symposium of social scientists.

Meetings of youth and students and agricultural workers and members of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea were held to tell the stories about the noble virtues of the President.

- Successes are being made in different sectors of the national economy.

- A decree of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK was issued to confer the title of model law-observance unit on exemplary units.

- Ceremonies for moving into new houses took place at the Sanbuk Farm in Suan County and the Munyang Farm in Koksan County, North Hwanghae Province.

- A national sci-tech presentation and seminar in the field of fiber-paper industry was held.

- A plastering contest took place as a part of the "Contest of Skilled Workers with Different Jobs in Various Sectors of National Economy-2024".


Rodong Sinmun

- An editorial calls for making uninterrupted innovations and leap forward to bring about an upturn in socialist construction with high self-confidence and redoubled efforts.

- The Seventh Memory Contest of University Students in Teacher Training Sector took place.

- A commentary discloses the U.S.-Japan-ROK military alliance as a product of the U.S. hegemony strategy for dominating the Asia-Pacific region.


Minju Joson

- An article ridicules the poor situation of Ukraine which should be driven into a war without joining major organizations in Europe as a European country. -0- (Juche113.7.6.)