Review of Rodong Sinmun

Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in Rodong Sinmun, a leading newspaper of the DPRK, on Friday:

- Missions of international organizations here laid floral baskets at the statues of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill.

- Workers and trade union members and women's union officials and members held meetings to commemorate the 30th anniversary of demise of Kim Il Sung.

- The Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House brought out Vol. 61 of "Complete Collection of Kim Jong Il's Works".

- The participants in the enlarged meeting of the Tenth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK launched the organizational and political work to implement the decisions of the plenary meeting.

- The state organs for economic guidance intensify the operations for strengthening the unified guidance and discipline in implementing plans, true to the ideas and spirit of the plenary meeting.

- Successes are being made in various sectors of the national economy.

- Ceremonies for moving into new houses were held at the Unjong Vegetable Farm and the Tuhung Vegetable Farm in Kanggye City, Jagang Province.

- The Hyesan Schoolchildren's Footwear Factory was inaugurated.

- A national sci-tech presentation in the field of hydro-meteorology and marine science took place.

- An article says that the Fatherland Liberation War was the first confrontation between the progressive and reactionary forces after the Second World War. -0- (Juche113.7.5.)