Papers Praise Ideology and Exploits of President Kim Il Sung

Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK on July 8 carried articles praising the ideology and exploits of President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his demise.

President Kim Il Sung is the eternal leader of the Workers' Party of Korea and the revolution and peerlessly great man who performed immortal exploits for the country and its people, the times and the revolution with his profound ideology and theory, rare leadership ability and gigantic revolutionary practice, says Rodong Sinmun in an article, and goes on:

He is the genius of ideology and theory as he founded the immortal Juche idea and clearly indicated the path for the Korean revolution, the state and the people to emerge victorious forever.

The creation of the immortal Juche idea is the greatest of his exploits. As he founded the Juche idea, the dignity and value of human beings were put on the highest level and the era of independence, a new era of history, when the masses of the people emerged as the masters of their destiny, was ushered in.

Kim Il Sung is a peerless benefactor who laid an eternal foundation for the prosperity of posterity.

The eternal foundation for national prosperity provided him foreseeing the distant future serves as a cornerstone firmly guaranteeing not only the present but also the future of the Korean people.

He is the benevolent father who wrote an epic of love and devotion for the people with his noble idea of believing in the people as in Heaven.

Thanks to the ardent love of him who made restless efforts for the people, the history of golden mountains and fields was created, the most advantageous people-oriented policies born and the eternal theme song of Korean-style socialism "We Are the Happiest in the World" symbolic of the era of the Workers' Party resounded far and wide.

The revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by President Kim Il Sung and glorified by Chairman Kim Jong Il is now being creditably carried forward by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Minju Joson in an editorial says that the august name and image of the President are shedding more brilliant rays as days go by, for the great exploits he performed by opening up a new era of history, the Juche era, and leading it to brilliant victory. -0- (Juche113.7.8.)