Musan Mining Complex in DPRK Gives Full Play to Spiritual Strength of Workers

Pyongyang, February 20 (KCNA) -- The Musan Mining Complex in the DPRK is conducting a revolutionary ideological offensive to arouse the workers to the increased production of minerals.

Innovative successes have been made through the intensive information and motivation work to carry forward the fighting spirit of the working class of the preceding generation who remained true to the Party with increased production of minerals in every annals of the revolution, and through a socialist patriotic movement and a revolutionary mass movement.

A brisk mass technical innovation movement was launched at the open branch mine and the blasting of 500 000 cubic metre earth, and medium and small blasting were conducted over ten times. As a result, a breakthrough for increased production has been made.

Workers of the ore-conveying station are making collective innovations in carrying out the plan.

Members of the mobile artistic motivation team and announcers of loudspeaker vans have been conducting motivation activities for increased production at the dressing shop No. 2, overburden-removal conveyor station, repairs and maintenance branch plant, etc.

Amid the dynamic information and motivation activities at the workplaces which give full play to the creative activity and patriotic zeal of workers, the miners of the mining complex have fulfilled their daily quotas without fail. -0- (Juche113.2.20.)