Important Guidelines for Development of WPK

Pyongyang, October 17 (KCNA) -- On October 17, 2022, the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un gave a historic lecture "On the Orientation of the Building of Our Party in the New Era and the Tasks of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea" before the teaching staff and students of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK.

In the lecture he set forth the five-point orientation in the new era on the basis of scientifically analyzing the successes and experience gained in the Party building in the past, the lessons in the history of the world socialist movement and the requirements of the developing Korean revolution.

He clarified the main duty of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK and stressed the need to turn the school into the best one and dynamically push ahead with the work for enhancing the educational level and role of the Party cadres training institutions at all levels with it as the parent body.

As the respected General Secretary comprehensively elucidated the theory on Party building in the new era of the Juche revolution, a powerful ideo-theoretical weapon could be provided for steadily developing the dignified WPK into a promising party.

The historic lecture serves as a powerful weapon and driving force for accelerating the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche and fully demonstrates its validity and vitality in the revolutionary practice.

In May last, the school was successfully built into a world-class school with perfect features as a pedigree establishment for training the hard cores of the WPK in the historic Kumsusan area, thus shedding its rays as the highest seat of training the Party cadres in the new era.

Indeed, the idea and theory on Party building in the new era are the signpost of a revolutionary turn in the work for training the hard cores of the WPK and an immortal great programme that indicated the way for further strengthening the Party into the powerful political general staff of the revolution, the elite vanguard ranks, and the genuine motherly Party serving the people. -0- (Juche113.10.17.)