National Heritage Conservation Brisk in DPRK

Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un made public the famous work "National Heritage Conservation Is a Patriotic Undertaking for Adding Brilliance to the History and Traditions of Our Nation" on October 24, 2014.

In the work he clarified the firm will of the Workers' Party of Korea to glorify the DPRK as a world-class advanced civilized nation with a long history and brilliant culture and a prosperous power, true to the noble intention of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il who correctly formulated the 5 000-year-long history of the nation and demonstrated the superiority of the Korean nation to the world.

He also indicated the importance of the work for protecting national heritage and the tasks and ways for doing this work well.

Thanks to the immortal guidelines, the work for protecting national heritage in the DPRK has been conducted as a nationwide and all-people campaign and many successes made in the course of this work.

Many objects, including the custom of making kimchi, the Yangdok hot spring culture and the Kyongsong ceramic technology were newly registered as part of world, national and local intangible cultural heritage, and natural monuments, adding to cultural heritage of the Korean nation.

The Rangnang Museum was built to intensively show the excellent history and brilliant culture of the Korean nation and relics worthy of national treasure were unearthed in different parts of the country.

A geographical information system program for national heritage dealing with photos, maps and explanations of historical relics was developed and an e-book on scenic spots and natural monuments, natural heritage of the country, was completed and activities were conducted to put the national heritage conservation on a scientific basis.

Meanwhile, the work for restoring tangible heritage and natural heritage damaged by natural factors was pushed ahead with in different parts of the country. -0- (2024.10.24.)