Good Results Registered in Grass-cutting Campaign

Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- Officials and members of the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea (UAWK) in North Hwanghae Province of the DPRK are registering good results in grass-cutting through a collective emulation.

Officials and members of the primary UAWK organizations of several farms in Rinsan County are working hard to cut even a single more grass before the grass seeds are set.

The UAWK committees in Kumchon and Yonthan counties are steadily increasing the number of innovators while assessing their actual results in a proper way.

The same is true of the UAWK organizations in Sangwon, Sungho, Phyongsan, Hwangju, Sinphyong and Thosan counties. -0- (Juche113.7.22.)