Press Review

Pyongyang, August 21 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Wednesday:

- Successes are being made in various sectors of the national economy.

-Young builders are making brisk preparations for housing construction at the flood-afflicted areas of North Phyongan Province.

- A national sci-tech presentation in the textile industry sector was held.

- The 2024 National University Students' Sports Games opened.

- The General Association of Koreans in China held a meeting to mark the 79th anniversary of Korea's liberation.


Rodong Sinmun

- An article says that the minds of the people are strong no matter how hard disasters may hit this land as they are led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

- Another article notes that the U.S. is the only superpower of crimes.


Minju Joson

- An editorial calls on the key industrial sectors to play a leading role in achieving the epochal changes this year with redoubled efforts.

- An article introduces Nicaragua aspiring after independence against imperialism on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Nicaragua at the ambassadorial level. -0- (Juche113.8.21.)