Innovations Made at Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex

Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- Officials and workers at the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex in the DPRK are making innovations in the spirit of registering high results in the production of Juche iron and rolled steel by Juche iron in the first half of the year.

Workers and technicians of the Blast Furnace Workshop No. 2 have studied rational operating methods and introduced original ideas to improve the operation technology of furnaces and put the management of equipment on a scientific and technological basis, thus raising the production of molten iron.

The Gas Producing Shop is producing more gas than the planned every day, demonstrating the vitality of the socialist emulation among units.

The Steel Workshop No. 2 and the hot-rolling shop have fulfilled their production plans by making effective use of the existing foundations and giving full play to collectivism, the trait of helping and leading one another forward.

The workers in repairing and processing fields are launching a socialist patriotic movement and revolutionary mass movement and supplying equipment and accessories necessary for the iron and steel production and for the concentrates transport. -0- (Juche113.7.6.)