Mass Technological Innovation Movement Brisk in Machine-Building Industry Sector

Pyongyang, August 16 (KCNA) -- The machine-building industry sector of the DPRK is conducting a mass technological innovation movement aimed at attaining the goal of readjusting and reinforcing the production foundations.

The Taean Heavy Machine Complex is concentrating on the technological innovation work to improve the production capacity and processing accuracy of the existing equipment.

The Ranam Coal-Mining Machine Factory is pushing ahead with the technological work for retrieving the electric furnace with a great capacity within this year.

After building a processing workshop, the Anju Pump Factory is pushing forward with the work to readjust and reinforce the production foundations in the way of improving the productivity and processing accuracy of the equipment while making effective use of the area of the production site.

The Ryangchaek Bearing Factory set itself a goal to restore more than one hundred machines and is carrying them out step by step.

And many other units are striving to achieve the readjusting and reinforcing goals for this year. -0- (Juche113.8.16.)