Autumn Ploughing Goes in Full Swing

Pyongyang, December 1 (KCNA) -- The autumn ploughing of paddy and dry fields is in full swing in South Hwanghae Province, the western breadbasket of the DPRK.

Farms in Sinwon County finished ploughing of paddy fields in the right time by arousing enthusiasm for socialist emulation. They are now making signal progress in dry-field ploughing every day.

Farms in Unchon and Anak counties have repaired vehicles and maintained farm implements in a qualitative way while encouraging tractor drivers to raise the operation rate of machinery with a stronger sense of responsibility.

Similar successes are witnessed at farms in Haeju City and Paechon, Kangryong, Thaethan, Unryul and Sinchon counties. -0- (Juche112.12.1.)