Technical Innovation Movement Brisk in DPRK

Pyongyang, December 7 (KCNA) -- A powerful technological innovation movement is going on at the Onchon County Condiments Factory of the DPRK to boost the production and raise quality.

The factory has made a breakthrough in invigorating production by conducting organizational and political work to give full play to the creative passion and technical potentialities of the employees.

Its officials throw themselves into applying and generalizing advanced technology in keeping with the specific conditions of the factory while paying attention to the work with technicians and skilled workers.

They further enhanced the technical skills of employees by bringing dissemination of science and technology closer to the workplaces so as to tackle the problems arising in the current production and the readjustment and reinforcement project.

Amid the vigorous technological innovation movement, an edge mill and centrifugal extractor have been installed and the technology for separating starch from sweet potato introduced to ramp up productivity. -0- (Juche112.12.7.)