Press Review

Pyongyang, May 11 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Thursday:

- Mosaics depicting the images of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il were erected at different units of South Hamgyong Province.

- An editorial calls upon the whole country to turn out in a drive for giving further assistance to the rural areas.

- Rice-transplanting started in Wonhwa Farm in Phyongwon County, South Phyongan Province.

- Farms across the country provided a firm guarantee for successful rice-transplanting.

- The 15th Symposium on Architectural Aesthetics took place.

- More explosives exposing the brutal atrocities of the U.S. imperialists have been discovered in the housing construction site in the Hwasong area.

- The press deals with damage by COVID-19 worldwide.


Rodong Sinmun

- An article says that our Party policies are truth, science and victory.


Minju Joson

- An article calls upon South Hwanghae Province to make dynamic advance in the campaign to attain the goal of grain production this year set forth by the Party.

- Another article denounces the Japanese imperialists for plundering human resources from Korea. -0- (Juche112.5.11.)