Press Statement of Spokesperson for Korea Association for Human Rights Studies

Pyongyang, October 15 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Korea Association for Human Rights Studies released the following press statement on October 14:

At the recent 79th session of the UN General Assembly, a report of the "special rapporteur" on human rights situation of the DPRK, which malignantly hurts the DPRK's policy of guaranteeing genuine human rights and its true situation, was distributed as an official document of the UN.

The report is run through with such fabrications as "forcible missing and repatriation", "torture and maltreatment in detention facilities" and "suppression of free movement and speech", and inflammatory remarks taking issue with even the regular legislative activities of the DPRK, its internal affair and exercise of sovereignty.

The Korea Association for Human Rights Studies categorically rejects the report, a product of the U.S. and the West's conspiracy to escalate confrontation with the DPRK, branding it as the most hideous document for ill-intended political propaganda fabricated to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK.

The report terms the most advantageous emergency anti-epidemic measure, which firmly ensured our people's right to living when millions people lost their lives due to the global crisis caused by COVID-19, "violation of human rights." Furthermore, it even paints a black picture of the legislative measure taken by the DPRK to defend its ideology and social system from the heinous ideological and cultural poisoning by the U.S. and the West seeking the internal erosion and collapse of the sovereign state, and calls for "reproach." This constitutes a wanton violation of our sovereignty and interference in our internal affairs, which can never be pardoned.

The "special rapporteur" on human rights situation of the DPRK, who echoes the rubbish and false rumors spread by the U.S. and the vassal forces to play the role of a missionary for its anti-DPRK "human rights" conspiratorial racket is, indeed, a puppet and top-class servant of the U.S.

We keep a record of every confrontational trace of the "special rapporteur" who often visited the ROK to let out a string of offensive remarks against the DPRK like "border blockade-brought deterioration of human rights situation" and "lingering food crisis," and impudently called for "handling the human rights' situation of the DPRK in the light of global peace and security and unethical crime" in the UN arena.

It is just a disgrace to the UN advocating objectivity, impartiality, dialogue and cooperation that the title of country-specific special rapporteur, which should have disappeared long ago for being a direct product of the U.S. and the West's high-handed and arbitrary practices and extreme double-standard, still remains.

We have never recognized the "special rapporteur" on human rights situation of the DPRK and will never ever deal with the "rapporteur."

The more desperately the U.S. and the riff-raff following it, including the "special rapporteur", distort the truth and turn black into white to malignantly slander the DPRK's genuine human rights situation, the more clearly it will betray their despicable confrontational nature gripped by hostility towards the DPRK.

The U.S. and its vassal forces, which are facing ever-worsening inferiority in strength in the political and military showdown with the DPRK, are resorting to putting collective pressure on the DPRK in cooperation with each other under the pretext of the non-existent "human rights issue," but they will get nothing from the "human rights" smear campaign.

We will never tolerate the hostile forces' vicious anti-DPRK "human rights" smear campaign for tarnishing the image of the socialist system centered on the popular masses, the life and soul of all the DPRK people and the cradle of their life, but firmly safeguard the rights and interests of the people. -0- (Juche113.10.15.)