Funeral of Late Kim Ki Nam Held

Pyongyang, May 10 (KCNA) -- A state funeral of Kim Ki Nam, former secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, winner of the Order of Kim Il Sung and the Order of Kim Jong Il and Labor Hero, was solemnly held in the capital city of Pyongyang on May 9.

A flag was hoisted at half-mast at the Sojang Hall where the bier of the deceased was laid and the guard of honor of the Korean People's Army lined up.

The hall of state funeral was wrapped in bitter grief over the loss of a precious veteran revolutionary and a prominent figure of the ideological front of the Party who devoted his all to the development of the glorious WPK and the prosperity of our dignified and powerful state.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, came to the funeral hall.

Present there were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and other members of the state funeral committee, officials of the Party Central Committee, provincial Party committees and armed forces organs and the bereaved family members.

A ceremony of carrying out the coffin of the late Kim Ki Nam took place.

Amid the playing of dirge, Kim Jong Un, chairman of the state funeral committee, paid silent tribute to Kim Ki Nam, hardly repressing bitter sorrow at the loss of the genuine loyalist of the WPK, steadfast revolutionary and prominent political activist.

The coffin of the late Kim Ki Nam was carried out of the hall.

The guard of honor solemnly covered a red flag over the bier of the late Kim Ki Nam in reflection of the respect of all the Party members, people and service personnel across the country.

Kim Jong Un saw the bier off, expressing deep condolences again over his death.

The citizens in streets of the capital city expressed their condolences towards the funeral car out of the sorrow of bidding last farewell to the late Kim Ki Nam, who had remained boundlessly loyal to the cause of the Party and left a clear trace and strong impression in the prosperity of the country and the mental and cultural growth of the people throughout his life.

The funeral car passed through the buildings of the Central Committee of the WPK, the supreme headquarters of the revolution, where the Party flag of victory and glory is fluttering.

Officials of the WPK Central Committee paid their last respects towards the funeral car with the sorrow of parting from the loyal veteran of the WPK who made a great contribution to the historic cause of modeling the entire Party and the whole society on the revolutionary ideology of the leader while working at an important post of the WPK Central Committee for over 60 years.

A ceremony of bidding farewell to the late Kim Ki Nam took place at the Patriotic Martyrs Cemetery in Sinmi-ri.

Kim Jong Un attended the ceremony.

The guard of honor of the KPA lined up there to greet the bier.

Kim Jong Un together with members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK greeted the bier of the late Kim Ki Nam at the entrance to the cemetery.

With the remains of the deceased at the head, Kim Jong Un climbed the cemetery together with members of the state funeral committee and the bereaved family members.

The ceremony of bidding farewell to the late Kim Ki Nam was declared and the DPRK national anthem was played.

Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a condolatory address.

A ceremony of burying the remains of the late Kim Ki Nam was held.

A volley of 180 rounds of ammunition was fired in reflection of the sorrow over the loss of a prominent political activist who performed distinguished feats before the Party and the country.

Kim Jong Un laid earth on the remains of the deceased, feeling bitter grief at the last parting with the precious veteran of the Party and the revolution.

Members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and the bereaved family members covered the remains of the deceased with earth.

Kim Jong Un expressed his grief, recollecting with deep emotion the noble life of the veteran revolutionary who had reliably defended the validity of our ideology and cause.

A wreath bearing his name was laid at the grave amid the playing of the wreath-laying music.

Also, placed there were wreaths in the names of the Central Committee of the WPK, the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and the Cabinet of the DPRK.

Kim Jong Un paid silent tribute to the memory of the late Kim Ki Nam, together with all the participants in the ceremony.

He said that thanks to the veterans of the revolution like Kim Ki Nam, who made a positive contribution to consolidating the cornerstone for the existence and development of our Party and state and greatly encouraged all of us through their genuine revolutionary career and immortal exploits, the revolutionary cause of Juche could dynamically advance despite the tempest of history.

The noble traits of the veteran revolutionary serve as a model of life shining with loyalty and patriotism, he said, adding that such noble soul and spirit will be immortal along with the cause of the Party and the history of brilliant development of our great state.

He paid high tribute to all the martyrs who glorified the annals of national liberation, national defence and national prosperity with their precious sacrificing and patriotic devotion on the long journey from the days of pioneering the revolution to the present.

The feats of the martyrs will be remembered by the country and the people forever and the victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche and the communist cause desired by them will be surely achieved, thanks to the noble sense of obligation of the great Party Central Committee which takes care of the lives of the revolutionary soldiers to the last and adds luster to them with ardent love and trust. -0- (Juche113.5.10.)