Press Review

Pyongyang, May 28 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in leading newspapers of the DPRK on Tuesday:

- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued a press statement titled "Hostile acts of infringing upon our inviolable national sovereignty will never be tolerated".

- Successes were made in different sectors of the national economy.

- The 91st candlelight rally and demonstration demanding the impeachment of puppet Yoon Suk Yeol took place in puppet ROK.


Rodong Sinmun

- An editorial calls for accelerating the building of regions in line with the demands of the three revolutions by implementing the regional development policy of the Workers' Party of Korea.

- An article introduces the DPRK players who took the first place in the AFC U-17 Women's Asian Cup 2024.

- Another article says that when the UN is no longer abused as a tool of the U.S., the democratization of the UN will be realized and global peace and security be ensured.


Minju Joson

- An editorial calls upon all sectors and units for successfully finishing the first half-yearly plan for attaining this year's struggle goal by further raising the attacking spirit.

- An article says that capitalism is falling into decay and ruin due to the ever-worsening division and confrontation. -0- (Juche113.5.28.)