Site for School Chosen Personally by President Kim Il Sung

One day in April Juche 50 (1961), President Kim Il Sung guided a consultative meeting of fishery officials in South Hamgyong Province.

During the meeting, he was told about an opinion that it was desirable to rebuild a school in the city of Sinpho at its original place. At that time, the school was near a factory and it was a single-storied building, very small in size compared to the growing number of students.

The President said that the school construction issue should be discussed before the consultative meeting. Noting that the school was linked by the factory with a fence between them, so there would be a great hindrance in the students’ study and physical development, he suggested construction of a new school in the place where fishermen on the sea could always see and gain new strength, and personally set the site for the school at the foot of a mountain in the area.

The officials were moved by the loving care of the President, who dedicated his precious time to the education of the rising generation.

Later, the construction of the school was pushed forward at a high speed. After all, a cozy school came to appear at the site chosen by the President. -0- (Juche113.7.23.)