Grand Monument to Youth Representing Future of Civilized Thriving Country
Inauguration Ceremony of Jonwi Street Takes Place with Splendor
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Cuts Inauguration Tape

Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Jonwi(Vanguard) Street, a new modern street which has been majestically built at the northern gateway to Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, writing another proud chapter in the heroic history of the course of development of the Korean youth movement shining with great succession and feats, greeted its inauguration.

The large architectural group, which presents a spectacular scene with high-rise and super-high-rise apartment houses of various styles, including an iconic 80-storey apartment building, and public buildings, is an admirable gift of labor presented to the country and the people by the reliable young vanguard who are upholding and defending the cause of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) with ardent patriotism and loyalty. It is also a creation of the dynamic advance of Korean-style socialism.

The respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un paid special care for the construction of a new street in the Sopho area where the indomitable stamina of the brave young vanguard always faithful to the call of the Party and the country would be displayed, and gave strength and courage to those young people with his boundless love and trust and guided them step by step to fully demonstrate the organizing ability, unity and patriotic devotion peculiar to the Korean youth in the grand construction site of the capital city.

The young vanguard from across the country, who regarded the warm feelings of the great father as the whole of their destiny and nutriment for performing feats, proudly built a new street for the people which symbolizes the development and future of socialism, registering on their personal accounts of youth the noble words of honorable participants in the new era of prosperity of Pyongyang.

The inauguration of Jonwi Street is a clear proof of validity and vitality of the WPK's idea of valuing the youth and a striking demonstration of the invincibility of the revolutionary cause of Juche, which has written a glorious, ever-victorious history and a history of heroic struggle with the steady succession of loyalty and patriotism.

The inauguration ceremony of Jonwi Street took place with splendor on May 14.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the ceremony.

With their exceptional pride and great self-esteem of having repaid the trust of the Party with practical successes and having built the large architectural group by their own efforts, the young vanguard were waiting for him at the venue of the ceremony.

When Kim Jong Un and his beloved daughter arrived at the venue of the ceremony amid the playing of welcome music, all the participants broke into stormy cheers of "Hurrah!"

All the participants enthusiastically cheered him, looking up to the great teacher and benevolent father who is bringing up and leading the young people to be the successors to the revolution, reserves of the Workers' Party and pillars of socialist construction with his loving care.

Present at the ceremony were Jo Yong Won and Choe Ryong Hae, members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, senior officials of the WPK Central Committee, officials and working people of the ministries, national agencies and Pyongyang Municipality, officials of the youth league and builders.

Working people and their family members who were to live in the new modern houses were on hand.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the WPK Central Committee, made an inaugural address.

Referring to the honor of greeting a significant moment of presenting to the country and the people a monumental edifice associated with the name of the young vanguard in the presence of the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un, the speaker warmly congratulated the reliable young builders who had given pleasure to the people first and greeted the moment of glory with the pride of having built another new street in our beloved capital city.

He stressed that it was not easy for the young people to build a large-scale street, in which high-rise and super-high-rise apartment houses with thousands of flats and neighborhood-serving amenities formed a large architectural group, in a year by their own efforts, but they turned out bravely for the capital city of Pyongyang, true to the plan and determination of Kim Jong Un, and finally attained the huge construction goal, thus achieving the high honor and dignity of the revolutionary vanguard and wonderfully repaying the great trust of the motherly Party.

The construction of the new street in the Sopho area was a large-scale project associated with the profound aim and intention of the fatherly Marshal to train the young people into the masters of the new era and genuine successors to the revolution, he said, adding that Kim Jong Un, who personally attended the ground-breaking ceremony, placing absolute trust in the young builders with his speech, named the street Jonwi and saw to it that the state prioritized the project as its own undertaking and threw its full weight behind it..

He said that the young builders could present a proud creation before their parents and siblings, the coming generations, the Party and the country as the great love and trust of Kim Jong Un, who led and took warm care of the young people to make the course of building a new street a course of their ideological and spiritual growth and revolutionary training, gave free rein to the boundless strength for raising the spirit of the young people to a higher level.

Upon authorization of supreme leader of our Party, state and people Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, and the government of the Republic, the speaker extended militant respect to all the builders, including the commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade and the High-Speed Youth Shock Brigade, who magnificently built Jonwi Street into a symbol of the young vanguard rallied close around the WPK and made our indomitable and dynamic revolutionary spirit redoubled.

He also extended gratitude to officials of the Party organizations and power organs at all levels, officials and working people of relevant units, all parents and helpers who have backed the young people to advance bravely at any time without letup, while actively adding to their efforts and raising them.

Saying that the young builders are the patriotic youths of the new generation who proved before the brave soldiers of victorious war at the foot of Mt Sokpak how the new streets of paradise are erected on the land they defended with their blood and lives and how the soul of loyalty and patriotism handed down by the forerunners is inherited, he added that the young builders raised their view of life onto a wonderful level in the course of the project while devoting their utmost sincerity of patriotism, the faith and will of the successors and their responsibility and duty for the future to this creation.

In the grand construction, whose prerequisite was steel-like organizing ability and unity, many young people have grown into the full-fledged socialist builders and dignified revolutionaries and patriots who cultivated and redoubled their loyalty, devotion, collectivism and optimism, he noted, adding it is the precious success not inferior to remodeling the appearance of the capital city that the active character of the youth league has been raised and youth officials who can plan their work in a fresh way and dynamically lead it have been trained.

This is just the success further valued by our Marshal, he stressed.

He noted that the Juche revolution is being steadily carried forward by the young vanguard who cultivate the thoroughgoing revolutionary spirit and matchless heroism under the care of the Party, and thanks to this our cause of realizing the communist ideal is always full of vigor and invincible.

He said that our Party and state, going towards communism with the faithful and heroic youths who are willing to devote themselves to the call of the country, will not hesitate to achieve any goal, but always emerge victorious without frustration in any difficulties. He ardently called upon all the people to redouble their strength of patriotism and unity and wage a more courageous struggle for the brilliant implementation of the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress, for the eternal prosperity of the country and for the wellbeing of the people.

Kim Jong Un cut the inauguration tape of Jonwi Street.

The participants raised stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" and fireworks were set off, beautifully decorating the May nocturnal sky.

With their heartfelt gratitude and loyalty, all the participants paid the highest tribute to Kim Jong Un who is translating the dreams and ideals of the people into great reality with his devoted service for the people's wellbeing while believing in them as in Heaven.

Kim Jong Un met the young innovators who performed labor feats in the construction of Jonwi Street and highly appreciated their efforts.

Noting that it is the greatest pride for our revolutionary Party to have its reliable successors and reserves, he said that the victory of the cause of building a powerful socialist country is sure to be achieved as there is a large contingent of the passionate young people who are faithful to the call of the country, sincere before society and the collective and devoted to the future.

An art performance was given to celebrate the inauguration of the street amid the display of the strong faith and will of all the people to achieve all the glory of the world under the guidance of the great Party Central Committee, which is leading to victory the historic struggle of creation and change for the prosperity of our socialist state and the promotion of its people's well-being.

The venue of ceremony was full of optimism and joy of the young people seething with patriotism. It resounded with songs of the era reflecting the ardent desire of the young generation to always love and glorify the country where the socialist fairyland is unfolded along with the wealth of prosperity being created under the people-first principle.

The atmosphere was revved up amid the playing of a medley of songs of youth in reflection of the soaring spirit and passion of the red revolutionary vanguard determined to become young heroes glorifying Kim Jong Un's era of great changes, a new era of self-respect and prosperity, while always advancing straight forward vigorously under the guidance of the WPK.

Fireworks were set off again in the sky over the venue, full of the great pride and honor of the people advancing towards a brighter future guided by the great leader and dear father.

When the performance was over, stormy cheers burst forth again.

Kim Jong Un warmly acknowledged the enthusiastically cheering participants and expressed belief that the young people would continue to fully demonstrate the wisdom and bravery of the youth they displayed in the construction of the capital city and perform shining feats in the vanguard of the times advancing towards the comprehensive development of the state.

Jonwi Street, built thanks to the pure loyalty and ardent patriotism of the patriotic young people absolutely faithful to the cause of the great WPK, will shine long in history as a grand monument to youth demonstrating the rosy future of the powerful country of Juche which will thrive forever. -0- (Juche113.5.15.)