Anti-U.S., Anti-War and Anti-Yoon Suk Yeol Struggle Intensifies in Puppet ROK

Pyongyang, August 2 (KCNA) -- Organizations of various circles in puppet ROK continue their struggle denouncing the U.S. moves for tightening the nuclear war alliance and demanding the impeachment of puppet Yoon Suk Yeol who is further escalating the danger of war as a ringleader of the war shock brigade.

More than 400 civic and public organizations held a rally near the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek, Kyonggi Province on July 27 to declare the action for peace against war.

Speakers at the rally said that it is the only way of protecting peace and people's living to impeach puppet Yoon Suk Yeol who plays the role of a war servant of the U.S., indifferent to the people's life and security, adding that they would wage a more dynamic anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-Yoon Suk Yeol struggle.

A declaration for peace against war was read out at the rally.

It said that peace can never be guaranteed under the present alliance which prioritizes the hegemony and interests of the U.S. and the war forces, calling for a vigorous struggle against the moves for hegemony and hostile military acts to ignite a war.

The participants staged a demonstration march.

The Progressive Federation of Students held a press conference outside the puppet presidential office in Seoul on July 27 and accused puppet Yoon of his criminal acts of getting frantic in tightening the nuclear war alliance with the U.S. and Japan. -0- (Juche113.8.2.)