Economic Forests Created in Nampho of DPRK

Pyongyang, May 9 (KCNA) -- Nampho Municipality of the DPRK strives to strengthen the production foundation of raw material bases.

The city planted Evodia daniellii Benn, Sangwon poplar and other trees in 150-odd hectares of economic forests by pushing ahead with the work to create the forests of oil-bearing trees and trees for producing paper.

The Evodia daniellii Benn forest station in Chollima District newly created tens of hectares of Evodia daniellii Benn forests by introducing advanced cultivation and nutrient management methods.

Onchon County and Waudo District have carried out the work for every process such as pit-digging and humus carpeting in areas favorable for economic forests and the cultivation of crops and created favorable conditions for the growth of trees with various kinds of biological activators.

Similar activities have been conducted in Kangso District, Hanggu District, Taean District and Ryonggang County. -0- (Juche113.5.9.)