Railway Transport Focuses on Transport of Materials for Major Construction Sites

Pyongyang, August 17 (KCNA) -- The railway transport sector of the DPRK is directing efforts to the smooth transport of materials needed for major theaters of socialist construction.

Officials of the Ministry of Railways and relevant units are carrying on the formation and operation of trains and freight cars in a mobile and scientific way.

The Pyongyang Railway Bureau has put its efforts into ensuring the promptness, accuracy, smoothness and safety of transport while strengthening the unified traffic control system and giving priority to the supply of locomotives and freight cars.

The Kaechon Railway Bureau replaced and reinforced many sleepers and gravels and repaired railway facilities by concentrating forces and means on the improvement of railway conditions.

Hamhung and Chongjin railway bureaus are increasing the traffic capacity by reducing the wagons' stoppage time and making effective use of the existing potentials. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.8.17.)