Newspapers Call for Keeping up Spirit of Defending Country Displayed in 1950s

Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- Leading newspapers of the DPRK Tuesday dedicate editorials to the lapse of 74 years since the outbreak of the Korean War.

In the war forced by the U.S. imperialists, the army and people of the DPRK defeated the aggressors and worked a historic miracle unprecedented in the world history of wars, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:

The spirit of defending the country in the 1950s is the eternal soul and invincible weapon of Juche Korea.

Without this spirit, it would have been impossible to talk about the military miracles of having defeated the arrogant U.S. imperialists, who boasted of being the strongest in the world, and brought July 27 of victory in the war and about the indomitable stamina of having built a socialist power independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence on this land.

The spirit displayed in the 1950s is an ideological and spiritual source for further cementing the fortress of defending the Party Central Committee unto death and achieving the victory of socialism.

The brave fighters in the 1950s are the defenders of the country, who taught through their bloody sacred war the fact that the country means the great leader and the destiny of the country and the happiness of themselves and their families and descendants lie in defending the leader.

This spirit is an ever-victorious treasured sword for winning one victory after another in the confrontation with the U.S.-led imperialists by firmly holding fast to the arms of annihilating the enemies.

The DPRK is now demonstrating its might as a military power fully equipped with the tremendous deterrence for self-defence.

Invariable is the faith of the Korean people to create new myth of war victory in the showdown with the U.S. in the spirit of defending the country in the 1950s.

Let us all reliably defend the dignity and interests of the country in the spirit displayed in the 1950s and accomplish the historic cause of building a powerful socialist nation at an early date, rallied closer around the Party Central Committee.

Minju Joson says that no force on the earth can block the dynamic advance of the Korean people and service personnel who are dashing toward a new victory of the revolution, fully displaying the spirit in the 1950s. -0- (Juche113.6.25.)