Important Issue for Developing Regional Industry

One day in June Juche 102 (2013), the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Changsong Foodstuff Factory.

That day Kim Jong Un paid deep attention to the issue of securing raw materials for the factory.

He said that it is important to modernize the equipment of regional-industry factories but the issue of securing raw materials is no less important than modernizing the equipment and that the issue of raw materials for regional-industry factories should be solved mainly by relying on locally available raw materials.

After learning how many wild fruits were picked by the factory last year, he said that it is difficult to pick wild fruits and edible herbs only by the manpower of the factory in the picking time, so all people in the county should be mobilized to pick them in that period.

He stressed that it is necessary to develop their counties with their own faces to suit their characteristics by making use of mountains in mountainous areas and using the sea in coastal areas as taught by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

Bearing his words in mind, the officials keenly realized that the vitality and advantages of regional industry depend on how the raw material base is built and how the work for mobilizing raw materials resources is done. -0- (Juche113.7.1.)