Workers' Palace in DPRK

Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- At the Pyongyang Kim Jong Suk Textile Mill of the DPRK, there is a hostel called workers' palace by its officials and employees.

The hostel has all welfare service facilities such as bathroom, beauty parlor, shop, clinic and library and a sports park.

This wonderful hostel is associated with the warm love of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un.

The General Secretary visited the mill several times and worked heart and soul to provide its workers with better living conditions.

One day in April Juche 103 (2014), he visited the mill to learn about the newly-built hostel for workers. In October one year ago, he came to it to personally choose a site for the hostel and dispatched a powerful construction force and settled all problems arising in the construction project.

Looking at the hostel, he said with great pleasure that it is very wonderful and that another proud edifice in the era of the Workers' Party appeared in a short period of 180-odd days.

Going round the hostel, he gave detailed instructions even for the provision of furnishings and commodities, saying that low beds would be comfortable for its inmates. And he stressed the need to provide convenient conditions for study at the library.

Then, he took a benevolent measure to arrange a banquet for workers at the hostel with splendor in celebration of the May Day and give warm congratulations carrying his own mind to them.

His warm love for the hostellers continued after that.

Cherishing deep in their mind the great benevolence of the General Secretary who values the workers dearest and puts them forward, the weavers of the mill are making innovations in the production of fabrics every day. -0- (Juche112.4.28.)